Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Photoshop Experiments

Here I have selected a dog of google images. I have added a different effect to it to make it look like a sunny day. It was quite easy to make this image look sunny because all you had to do was change the level  of the contrast and make it bright then it makes it look like a more sunnier day.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Introduction to Indesign

Here I have experimented making shapes and text on indesign. I have added a photo and I have added loads of different shapes such as rectangles and circles. Indesign is quite difficult but once you get the hang of making shapes it starts to get a bit more easier.

Factual Assignment- Double page spread

1- Films
1.           The Shawshank Redemption
2.           The Godfather
3.           The Godfather: Part 2
4.           The Dark Knight
5.           Pulp Fiction
6.           The Good, the bad and the ugly
7.           Schindlers List
8.           12 Angry Men
9.           The Lord of the rings: The return of the King
10.      Fight Club

The Dark knight- When Batman, Gordan and Harvey Dent launch an assault on the mob, they let the clown out of the box, the joker, bent on turning Gotham on itself and bringing any heroes down to his level.

The Shawshank Redemption- Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventful redemption through acts of common decency.

Schindlers List- In Poland during World War 2, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazis.


  • This is bright and playful article. Straight away seeing the colours as well as the artist the reader is attracted to the article. I like how they use many different colours and involves the music she enjoy to listen to. I think this was all done on InDesign, as it is a basic layout. I find this influential, as it is playful and nice to look at. Also the article is about her and the music she enjoys which is different instead of it just being about her life. 

This article has that old fashioned look to it. One bright colour, which is very eye gripping. Also the picture of Lady GaGa is different. The article looks like it was done on InDesign. This is influential as yet again it’s so simple and yet intriguing, and I like how they used a big L on the page to represent the artist and catch eyes.

4-Here is a picture of my Flat plan design of my double page spread.

5-  Here is my design created on a DPS using Adobe

This Assignment was fun because i got to show what my favourite films where and why they were my favourite and I got to make a double page spread article talking about my favourite films. I liked to make my double page spread as a plan out and then i like following what i've designed into a digital format. Making the double page spread into a digital format was fun because I got to use different techniques and learn more about Indesign. 

Photoshop Avatar

Here is the original picture of Anne Hathaway.

Here I have added blue to her face because Avatars are blue.
Here I have Made her eyes big. By doing this I used a liquify tool which can make any part of the body a different shape or size.
 Here I have added definition to the face by adding white patches to show how the avatar is more different to a human being.
I enjoyed doing this task because it was quite easy and it was fun to see the beginning photo change into an avatar.

Paultons Park Project- Themed Logo

Here is a preview of my final Logo design. I started of by making the ride about sleeping. I wanted the logo to represent sleeping by adding stars and making the bubble writing colours the same as striped pyjamas. I also wanted to add a cloud around the name of the ride (Vanish). To do this I drew out 4 possible designs the of what the logo could look like. I then choose my most favourite design. I then design in the scanner which then uploaded it onto the computer. I then opened this design onto photoshop and I coloured everything in and made it all neat. To make my logo it took me round about 1 week to make sure it was polished off.